SHIFT: infrastructure 2011

SHIFT: infrastructure

2011 ASLA Award of Excellence Recipient

SHIFT provides a scholarly and provocative forum for emerging issues at the forefront of theory and practice in landscape architecture and related disciplines by soliciting and featuring peer reviewed student research & scholarship impacting landscape architectural theory and practice.  We strive to foster creative interactions across related disciplines and enhance awareness of emerging landscape architectural theory and practice within academic and professional communities.

SHIFT is a student-initiated and produced publication sponsored by the NC State University Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects. The theme for the inaugural edition, SHIFT: infrastructure, provides a scholarly peer reviewed setting in which students from around the globe were invited to contribute their research and design explorations in landscape infrastructure and its influence on society.  The launch of this project is the outcome of a dedicated year-long effort by an exceptional group of College of Design Landscape Architecture and Graphic Design students, the students who contributed papers for consideration herein, and the external reviewers who gave generously of their time and expertise to critically read those papers.

Student enrollment in design disciplines, and landscape architecture in particular, has substantially grown over the years.  So too have the quality, depth, and rigor of our ideas and thoughts.  Lacking, unfortunately, are the number of “places” in which our well-considered writings might be submitted for professional peer review, publication, and dissemination.  From its inception SHIFT: infrastructure was designed to intensify international student collaboration with our peers and members of the professional community of designers and educators.  This model facilitates a rigorous and scholarly dialogue between students that exposes us to culturally diverse approaches to design.  Bottom line:  we recognize students are the next generation in the design professions and disciplines like landscape architecture.  We believe it is our responsibility to contribute as emerging scholars and designers to the body of knowledge, discourse, and future of our collective fields.

SHIFT: infrastructure: jurors

We at SHIFT are extremely grateful for the assistance of a fabulously innovative and influential group of professional minds, without whom the success and rigor of this journal would not have been possible.  Upon selection of evolving infrastructure as the theme of our first issue, we set out to identify and contact the leading theorists and practitioners on the topic, to both help vet the submissions received and to provide valuable editorial feedback and guidance for the selected entries. We are very pleased to have assembled such an illustrious group of reviewers for our inaugural issue.  As a group, these personalities have shaped the development of Landscape Architecture as a profession, the development of more ecologically and culturally-sensitive environments, and have provided guidance and inspiration to countless others that follow in their footsteps to envision and create positive change in the world.

Kristina Hill, PH.D., University of Virginia

Dr. Kristina Hill is currently the director of the Landscape Architecture Program at the University of Virginia. As one of few scholars with advanced training in both ecology and design, Hill has brought depth and rigor to the synthesis of these two disciplines. She has authored Water, Ecology and the Design of Cities: Landscape Urbanism in the Pacific Northwest, co-edited the book Ecology and Design: A Framework for Learning, and authored a number of articles on the use of ecological theory in urban design strategies, the role of design in mediating the effects of urbanization on aquatic systems, and strategies for adapting American cities to climate change, particularly in the area of infrastructure investments and coastal ecosystems. Hill holds a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in landscape architecture from Harvard University Graduate School of Design as well as a bachelor’s in Geology from Tufts University. She was a Fulbright Scholar in 1990 and was appointed a Fellow of the Urban Design Institute in 2003.

Jeff Hou, University of Washington

Jeff Hou is Chair and Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Washington in Seattle.  In a career that spans across the Pacific, he has worked with indigenous tribes, farmers, and fishers in Taiwan, neighborhood residents in Japan, ethnic minority villagers in China, and inner-city immigrant youths and elders in North American cities, through projects ranging from conservation of wildlife habitats to rebuilding of indigenous villages and design of urban open space.  His current research and practice focuses on design activism, transcultural urbanism, and engaging marginalized social groups in transforming urban public space.  He is the editor of Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities (Routledge 2010) and co-authoredGreening Cities, Growing Communities: Learning from Seattle’s Urban Community Gardens (University of Washington Press 2009).

Mark W. Johnson, FASLA

Mark Johnson is a leading urbanist, designer of public space and strategist for the re-generation of core cities.  He is currently leading the re-generation of the Northside of downtown St. Louis, the design of the North Embarcadero in San Diego, the design of Museum Park on the Miami waterfront and a revitalization plan for the waterfront on the Harlem River in Manhattan.

Mr. Johnson has led many complex projects that have had a transformative impact on cities: three riverfront parks in Denver, 20 years leading the redevelopment of Stapleton International Airport, a master plan for Balboa Park in San Diego, a waterfront plan for Memphis, and a corridor plan to connect historic neighborhoods along Brooklyn’s Atlantic Avenue.  He recently completed the Los Angeles River Revitalization Mater Plan, a project that immediately gained national recognition for its economic, social and environmental impact.

Mark W. Johnson is a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects.  He holds a Masters in Landscape Architecture/Urban Design from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and is a current member of the Working Group for Sustainable Cities at the Harvard Center for the Environment.  A respected lecturer and critic, Mr. Johnson has received numerous awards from the ASLA, AIA, APA, Waterfront Center and recently the prestigious Distinguished Service Award from the Regents of the University of Colorado.

Walter Kulash, PE

Walter Kulash is a retired principal and Senior Traffic Engineer formerly with the Orlando-based community planning firm of Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez and Rinehart, Inc. Since the early 1990’s, Mr. Kulash, a registered Professional Engineer, has specialized in the rapidly emerging field of “livable traffic” design. This view of traffic engineering recognizes that the narrow traffic planning goals of the past few decades—moving the most traffic at the greatest possible speed—are giving way to a far more inclusive view. In the new view, traffic performance is balanced against other desired qualities of the street, such as its value as an “address,” its retail friendliness, and its role as a premier public space of the community. Mr. Kulash’s clients include cities, developers, state Departments of Transportation, and advocacy groups.

William Wenk, FASLA

William Wenk is the founder and President of Wenk Associates. For over 30 years, he has been influential in the restoration and redevelopment of urban river and stream corridors, the transformation of derelict urban land, and the design of public parks and open spaces. He is recognized nationally for utilizing stormwater as a resource. Bill holds a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Oregon and a Bachelor of Science, Landscape Architecture from Michigan State University.

SHIFT: infrastructure: credits

We thank the NC State Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects and NC State College of Design for their financial support and encouragement.

Editors in Chief: Matt Tomasulo, Dave Toms

Editorial: Michael Lynskey, Sarah Elsaesser, Jordan Petersen, Lindsay Ruderman

Fundraising: Matt Evans, Ben Hood

Graphic Designers: Kelly Bailey, TJ Blanchflower

Image Production: Sarah Elsaesser (Application), Matt Evans (Theory), Preston Montague (History), Caitlin Smolewski (Cover & Epilogue)

Public Relations: Lorna Allen, Leslie Morefield, Scott Simmons, Luke Wallenbeck

Faculty Advisor: Andrew Fox, RLA,ASLA

Department Head: Gene Bressler, FASLA

To purchase a copy, please mail a check payable to:

NCSU Student Chapter ASLA
c/o SHIFT:publication
Department of Landscape Architecture
College of Design, NC State University
Campus Box 7701 / Brooks Hall, Raleigh, NC 27695

Include a note with your mailing address and $22.00 for each copy desired.  Price includes shipping.